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Argumentative Essay Guidelines: Source 1 ~ Source 2 ~ Source 3

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reflection - Run-On Sentences - Sec. 4 - March 17

Visit this URL: Why should we avoid run-on sentences?  
In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities.


  1. Run-on Sentence and Fragments are things some people make when they are rushing or out of time to write. Many writing get out of order for example: writing a paragraph that is about nine paragraph is considered a run-on because paragraph usually end with 5-7 paragraph. Another Run-on Sentences is when you write a whole long story like a narrative essay you put the period at the end not noticing that you made a error where reader will think their is no pause to the story and sometimes it does not really make sense and cause a lot of errors in the story your writing.

  2. We should avoid run-on sentences because it helps the readers understand and to make sense. As I read about run-on sentences, it is right that it does help distinguish when to pause. Like it said, as we have conversations with people we change our tone and in run-on sentences, punctuation's are a way to change the tone. In today's activity we talked about what comforts us a a person. Most of us had much of a comfort food than a comfort activity to say.

    1. Yes, in run on sentences it is hard to tell where or when to pause. The pause in a sentence is always important so that the readers may actually pause and process what is being written in order to understand and be on the same page as the author.

  3. Run on sentences not only disrupts the flow of the paragraphs, but also warps the structure of the essay as a whole. Avoiding any error in structure and order is crucial when writing an effective essay. Today for the first time, someone volunteered to answer a discussion and critical thinking question. The essay on comfort food made me think about my own comfort food. Overall I learned a lot today and hopefully will learn much more as I strive to become a better reader/writer!

    1. Yes someone did volunteered for the first time in our class. It opens the door for all of us to do the same thing. Big thanks to our classmate. And I agree with you on what you said. It is very true run on sentences did disrupt the flow of a paragraph.

  4. It is important to avoid run on sentences because it makes your essay more organized and understandable. Although we speak in run on sentences and it sounds understandable, it is not as comprehendible on paper. Today's activity was fun! I enjoyed talking about our comforts, whether it was food or things. I was able to share my comforts with my peers and have been able to know what comforts them too. Overall it was a good class session!

  5. We should avoid run-on sentences because it is harder to read and understand. When we make them into shorter sentences, and add periods, it makes it much easier for the reader to understand what you are saying. I thought today went by pretty well. We read and did an exercise on what we read. We then said our comfort foods or what we do that brings us comfort. Also, the Midterm Self-Reflection was due today as well. I was able to volunteer to read what I wrote down for one of the exercises. That was a nerve racking, but fun experience! Today's class activities went by well.

    1. I agree with you! Run on sentences should not be use in any writings. And of course today's class was awesome! I enjoyed all the activities in class today. Hopefully you too.

  6. I believe we should avoid run-on sentences because we need the reader to understand us. Without making our sentences short and concise, the reader will lose their train of thought. The examples given in the link above show how hard it is to stay focused with a sentence that literally runs on and on. Shorter and to the point sentences are more in favour. This severs the purpose of writing an essay. On the other hand, today's activities we insightful. We learned how to decipher an equally balanced descriptive and narrative essay. I was able to identify transition words that were used in the passage. Along with the sensory details in the essay. This will help me with the upcoming essay, narrative. Also, we learned about each other today with comfort foods or activities. Great class today.

    1. I strongly agree, short and concise sentences are much easier for us to understand than run on sentences. Keeping it short, simple and straight to the point goes back to the rule that many writers try to follow, which is making it easier for readers to understand what is being written.

  7. Run-on sentences are sentences that consists of two or more main clauses in a single sentence. Since run-on sentences contains two or more main clauses, this might spark confusion to the readers because there are too many things being talked about in one sentence. We should avoid writing run-on sentences to help establish a clear viewpoint/ idea in one sentence, which can make the essay clearer.

    1. I strongly agree. I mean without avoiding writing run on sentences there will be confusion in what we are writing about and you actually just want to stick to one subject instead of being all over the place.

  8. We must try not to use run on sentences, because it gets us off track. And about today's activity was awesome. It helps me to learn about my classmates a little more and at the same time it helps me to increase my knowledge on my writing skills.

  9. The reasons why we should avoid run on sentences are to avoid awkwardness in the essay, the mis punctuating of sentences, and to avoid the sentences to be long. Run on sentences are those that people often use when speaking but should be avoided in writing. When there are run on sentences in essays, they make the reader confuse and may mislead them.
    Today's activities includes the reading of "The drag"(129) together with the process writing worksheet of that essay. Also I was saved when it was my turn to shared my thought of question number two of exercise 12. In addition to today's activities we also read "Rituals as comfort food for the soul" (132) together with the summary, reaction, and the two part response.

    1. Yes, I strongly agree with you when you say that we should avoid run on sentences in order to avoid the awkwardness that the essay may give off. The awkwardness that I experience and would like to avoid is reading run on sentences and having to re-read them in order to understand. In the end of reading essays that contain run on sentences I am usually stuck debating whether or not what I think I understand is what the author is actually stating within the essay.

  10. Yes, run-on sentences should be avoided in writing. Having a run-on sentence in your paper not only makes it difficult for the reader to understand your message, it also gives your essay a weak foundation. This could be avoided by rereading what you wrote and be able to determine which sentences could be separated in to two different ones. Also, having someone peer review your writing could be beneficial. By doing so, errors might be detected. The positive criticism of your peers might also help to better your writing.

  11. A reason why we should avoid run on sentences is to make it easier for the readers to read and understand what we are trying to say. Punctuation's play an important role in making the reader understand because they set the pace of the essay being read without these punctuation's the pace would be faster leaving no time for the reader to actually think about the topic being discussed in writing. To have correct punctuation and no run on sentences the ideas of the writer would flow in an organized order and there would be no rush in reading the sentences- just enough time for the reader to fully understand an essay.

    1. Your totally right! in order to make our essay much clear and easier for others to read we all should avoid run on sentences in our writings.

  12. Run on sentences should be avoided because that's just too much to say in one sentence. It feels like you're going on and on and on. We need to breathe. Also, it's more hard to read and understand. When reading run on sentences, I tend to get lost. So, this should be avoided. Anyway, I enjoyed the reading in class today.

    1. I agree it feels like we keep repeating the same thing, when we use run on sentences. We should definitely avoid run on sentences.

    2. I agree run on sentences are sentences that seem to go on forever with no break. People, no matter what the matter is, would like to pause for a while to take in everything so that they can make a decision. Making a decision in this case can be choosing whether or not they agree or disagree with the writing they are reading, hence the high importance of us avoiding run on sentences.

  13. Although I missed class today, I have kept up in my reading. Since the topic is run on sentences, my opinion has always been the same. Run on sentences should be avoided at all costs so that the writer does not confuse the audience. A writer should be careful when writing proper sentences. This is another reason why revising and editing plays an important role in the making of an essay. Proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and proper sentence structure must be correct and understandable for the reader.
