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Argumentative Essay Guidelines: Source 1 ~ Source 2 ~ Source 3

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Reflection - Revising and Editing - Sec. 5 - April 28

Visit this URL: Discuss the importance of revising and editing.

In addition, discuss your thoughts on today's class activities.


  1. I think revising and editing is very important. Whenever I write an essay, I always make sure to look it over more than once. The reason for this is because you might have missed an error when you were writing the essay. Going over your work is not only to catch errors. When I re-read, sometimes I find that I do not like the wording I originally used. Then, I can change it. It is also important for someone else to read your essay. In doing this, the other person may catch something that you had not.
    Regarding today's activities, I had the opportunity to find the topic of my argumentative essay and also to see the different options I have for the final exam.

    1. We have many interesting options for the final exam. Kriana, which one will you be doing? I do not know what to pick.

    2. I was thinking of doing another essay.

    3. Editing and Revising is something that's crucial when writing your essay.

    4. I make it a habit to look over my work over and over again because I catch myself with a lot of errors.I wonder what people are choosing for their final exams.

  2. The importance of revising and editing is that it gives your essay a chance to be the best that it can be. Without revising and editing you will miss a lot of simple mistakes that make your essay look sloppy. Revising and editing can be done by the writer but I believe is better if it's done by another person. This is be answer the other person reads the essay with no idea of what it's supposed to look like so they find mistakes that the writer could have over looked.
    Today's activities were okay. I was a little bored because I was caught off guard to start working on my argumentative essay, since I already did the common assignment.

    1. Yes, I agree with you on this. It is better if the revising and editing is done by another person. If I had not done that I will still believe I am doing well.

    2. I agree. Having another person read your essay allows someone with an open mind to review it.

    3. I totally agree with you on this

    4. I agree, by editing you can make your essay the best it can be.

    5. I believe letting a person look through your work can help you make a better paper. They can catch the errors faster than I can.

  3. The importance of editing and revising is for clarity. For example, if the writer is writing by sequence then there may be some things to rearrange. Grammar check, spelling and to correct all flaws possible. It is one of the most important step before submitting your final. Basically, there are many reasons for revising and editing. It can also be so that your paper is clear to read, quality of work and your style of writing may or may not need changes.

    1. I agree that is one of the most important steps. It helps to improve your essay.

    2. I loved how you used the word clarity! It pretty much sums up the importance for editing and revising.

  4. Today's activities were just preparing for Test #4 (Argumentative/ Persuasive Essay. Everyone was quietly working on their Common Assignments. I was happy to earn an 89%. I wish I did better though.

    1. yeah, I was doing the common assignment

    2. I hope you did well sister. I really want to do better.

    3. Don't worry about! You're getting closer and closer towards getting a better grade!

    4. It is great that you had time to prepare for test # 4. I had to do the common assignment and could not start on it yet.

  5. The importance of revising and editing is to organize your essay. When you revise your essay you are able to add more information, cut out unimportant information, and make sure that it is coherent. As for editing, you will be able to check for punctuation, grammar, spelling, capitalization, and verb tenses. Good revision and editing can transform a first draft into and excellent final paper.

    1. Yes, never give the final with errors. At least with the correction from another person will help a lot. Sometimes we overlook what we've worked on and not realize there are so many errors. I make mistakes too.

    2. That's true. You can revise your essay by taking out unimportant information.

  6. Revision and editing is a very important of writing a great essay. It gives us a chance to make corrections to some of the errors we did during the writing. For instance, we could give our paper for peer review. I can guarantee that this method is really useful. Today's class activity was very good. I was lucky because I was given a chance to do my common assignment. I hope the result will be okay

    1. It will be all right my friend.

    2. i agree with my sister Patty! it will be alright!!!

    3. It definitely gives us a chance to get those corrections on the errors we did. I was also lucky in having a chance to do the common assignment.

  7. Where's everyone else is comments? I have been waiting to respond to two more of my classmates comments. Hello? Is anybody else out there?

  8. Revising and Editing is important for all types of essays. When you edit and revise, you alter what you think needs to be changed. By doing this, you are able to better organize your essay and move closer towards finalizing it. Because of this, your essay will sound much clearer and will flow better. Without this, your essay maybe unorganized and, at some parts, may not make sense.

    1. On the topic of the final exam, I was thinking of writing another essay instead of choosing the other options.

    2. Very true! It is done for every paper that is written!

    3. I agree! It is used in every essay that I do. It helps sharpen your essay to make it the best it can be.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Without editing and revising, it is pretty impossible to write a good paper. It would end up really messy. Everyone makes mistakes and it is natural. Both revision and editing play an important role in organization. Good revising and editing will result into a great paper! Today's activities helped me complete the three stages of writing for Test #4.

    1. I agree. Without revising and editing, a paper would be really messy.

    2. It definitely would look very messy. Making mistakes is natural, but revising and editing your essay can erase those mistakes.

  11. Base on my understanding and my learnings about revising and editing an essay has helped me a lot. Writing an essay and having a person revised and edit it for you helps you learn from your mistakes. Revising and editing is very important part of an essay. Every essay should be revised and edited before turned in. I agree with you all, without your essay being revised or edited can be unorganized and sloppy.

  12. Revising and Editing an essay is very important. I always revise and edit my essay whenever I write. When you revise and edit, you sharpen your essay to make it look the best i can be! Today's in class activities were stressful. I really like taking my time while writing my essays, and the common assignment felt a bit rushed for me.
