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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reflection - Narrative Essay - Feb. 12 - Sec. 5

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what a narrative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which narrative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #2. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. A narrative essay is such as telling a story because essays are writers' personal point of view. Therefore, these essays include writers' feelings and sensory details.
    If I have to choose one topic from narrative topics, I would choose "All about me." This topic would be easy to write a narrative essay. First, I can make a point completely because this topic is all about me. Secondly, I would be able to write about me as telling a story.
    Today's activities are helpful to me. I can remind the meaning of a narrative essay. I also study about organizing support again today. I could learn some skills such as listing to write a good essay.

    1. I agree with you that writing about yourself is supper easy! And of course it is a perfect narrative essay because who else knows yourself more than you do?

    2. Writing about yourself is very easy. When you write a narrative essay with that kind of topic, it gives you the opportunity to understand yourself much better.

    3. Writing about yourself is a pretty easy topic. Once you start writing about yourself you start realizing things you haven't noticed before!

    4. I agree. It tells a story about a real life event that has happened in the author's life. All about me is a good choice of topic. It applies well with the narrative essay.

  2. In my own knowledge and understanding of narrative essay is that it is the story of a person who writes it. For instance, it is most likely an account of persons history or an event that a person may want to write about it. The topic that I choose to do is the Most memorable event. I chose this topic because I can still remember in my head precisely how i felt for that day

    1. We have the same topic! Can't wait to possibly read yours.

    2. Vice versa I will be writing about the same thing. Should be interesting to read these stories.

    3. It is very easy writing about something memorable. You may not remember the words that were said during that time, but you can never forget how it made you feel.

    4. Oh man! I should have picked that topic too. Now that you all are talking about how easy it is to write about something memorable would have been easier. I picked "Ways of Disciplining Children" Ai ya yai.

    5. Its true. I think a Narrative essay would be easier to write if a person has experienced that event before. That way, the person can just write about how they felt about that experience. I also really like your topic!

    6. It's great that you precisely remember how you felt at that moment! Being able to remember your emotions makes for a great essay.

    7. After reading this, I wanted to change my topic. Writing a memorable event would be very interesting.

    8. I agree. It tells a story about the author's life. Good choice on a topic. It will be easier for you to write about that topic because of the real life event that happened to you on that day.

  3. Narrative essay in my own words means a story of your life or something that it is narrated. It basically, for instance, you tell something about your life.

    1. I agree. Pretty much sums it up.

    2. I agree! I like how short this description is. Short and sweet.

    3. That is a very short and to the point description. I do agree with you. Narrative essays should be sharing your readers the experience of your life.

    4. I agree with you there. In the end I think you want to have your readers end the paper having felt what you felt after the experience.

    5. I agree with you. That"s probably one of the best and most clear way to explain what a narrative essay is.

    6. I agree. You gave a clear and precise understanding on what a narrative essay is all about.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My definition of a Nararrative essay is an essay whose story is usually told from the writers point of view. It is like the writer is telling a story. I think narrative essays give the reader the impression that he/she is the main character because of the uses of pronouns in an essay. The topic i would choose is My First Day at College because college was and still is very awesome! Theres so much I could write about!
    Today's overall activites were very informative. It reminded me about the genre of Informative Essay.

    1. I mentioned a similar thing, that a narrative essay is from the writer's point of view. I totally agree with you that college is awesome!

    2. I agree. College is an awesome experience and it is important to have your narrative essay be stated from your point of view.

    3. Speaking from someone who went to high school with you, college is so much better compared to GW.

    4. Your topic sounds really interesting! The college experience viewed through someone else's eyes is pretty interesting in my opinion.

  6. A narrative essay is an essay that tells a story from the writer's point of view. It could be any kind of story for example, a story about themselves or a story of something they've experienced. As long as it's the writers point of view and not something they've learned or researched. I think my narrative essay topic is going to be a vacation that I took/an experience that changed my life. I want to write about that because the vacation is the experience that changed my life. I enjoyed today's activities because it reminded me of writing narrative essays in high school. Also, I'm getting better at learning how to use moodle and this blog site.

    1. I think it's great that you're getting better at using moodle and getting on to the blog. I can't wait to read your essay!

    2. That is a very nice description of a narrative essay. It is true that it is from the writer's perspective of their experience. The readers must visualize and imagine the story as the writer.

    3. I definitely agree with you that a descriptive essays is the author point of view towards any event.

    4. I agree. A narrative essay is any story from the writer's point of view about his experiences or about himself. A great choice of topic too.

  7. A narrative essay depicts a story. The writer or author tells a story or you could write a personal story about yourself. If I was to write an narrative essay I would write an all about me essay telling a story of a life event or personal experience.

    1. I agree. That's a very to the point description on what a narrative essay is and that's very good to have when writing because you want the reader to easily know what you're talking about.

    2. I also agree. Although details wouldn't be bad, it's better to get straight to the point than to lose your reader with an abundance of details.

  8. Narrative is a very defined, clear, vivid and detailed storytelling writing. It includes a plot, character with an ending and climax. Narrative writing also involves the writers personal life experiences.

    1. I agree that narrative essay should be clear and vivid to their readers. Your story that you are writing should be pictured with clarity and it should be detail. This is what makes narrative writing so unique.

    2. Detail is good, just as long as you don't over embellish them to the point where your reader loses you. I do however agree that detail is important. It catches the eye of the reader if done correctly.

    3. Agreed. Your explanation of narrative essay is very clear and concise and straight to the point.

  9. A narrative essay tells a story that can be personal and creative. This type of essay welcomes the word (I) unlike basic academic essays. Narrative essay should make the readers visualize your story in an essay. For my narrative essay, I would either write an all about me essay, my first day on the job, or my memorable experience in a taekwondo tournament.

    1. First day on the job is a very good topic because you get to learn the most you can on the first day. You can talk about the mistakes you made because its your first experience. Also, you can explain how the environment was and the types of people you came across with.

    2. That's true that the reader needs to visualize your story. With that being said, a descriptive essay also ties into a narrative essay.

    3. I would totally love to read about the taekwondo tournament! That sounds very interesting, and it'll have my attention right away!

    4. I agree with you that a narrative easy should be creative because readers should be able to visualize the story.

  10. A narrative essay could be from a first person point of view because it contains the pronoun 'I'. You write about a personal experience. The essay should provide a point to the reader. It can be written as story. If it is not written as a story, it could be written as a book report.

    1. I agree. That's a good point you've brought up about how a narrative essay could be from a first point of view. I'll keep that in mind when I'm writing my essay.

    2. I forgot to add my topic. The narrative topic I would choose is when I became a certified open water scuba diver. I chose this topic because it was one of my biggest accomplishments and it changed my views in life.

    3. Wow, I like that you are a certified open water scuba diver. I am so afraid of the ocean and what lives or may creep up on me while swimming out in the open.

    4. I never thought about that. Book reports are certainly narrative essays because you have to talk about what you experienced while reading the book.

    5. Very true! A Narrative essay could also be in a first person point of view. I also really would like to read about your certification on being an open water scuba diver. It sounds like a very memorable experience.

  11. A narrative essay and descriptive essay have some similarities but a narrative essay focuses on the first person point of view. This gives the writer a time to give creative information to its reader. A narrative essay gives the reader a story line in their minds and as the writer it's your job to paint that image in their minds. I would either write the all about me essay, or when offered a job at Hollister.

    1. I agree. It is the writer's duty to help relay the message in a creative manner that they can paint visually in their heads.

  12. In a narrative essay, the author tells a story in order to express his/her point of view. The story is used in order for the reader to better understand the author's point through a creative and relate-able way. Because it is to be written as a story, key elements such as characters, plot, and settings should be present when writing a narrative essay. If I were to choose a topic I would choose to write about my first day at a new school or college because of how it is a very easy to discuss considering that I am new to college. Today's activities were very informative on what exactly a narrative essay is. Compared to a descriptive essay, this is a different way of writing that can be very useful in trying to get a point across.

    1. It is always important to make a point. Why narrate your story if there is no point to what you are narrating?

  13. A narrative essay is basically a writing that tells a story of real life events. Authors of narrative essays often use them to explore and find the meanings of important events in their own lives. The topic I chose is a memorable journey because I would be able to write an essay based on a real life event that had happened in my life.

    1. It is a very interesting topic you chose. A memorable journey can tell a ton about the event you are in. I agree that authors would use narrative essays as a way of exploration of important events in their lives. That is what makes narrative essays interesting to read.

    2. I also to agree with Joe. If you think about it the topic of a journey is very open for writing from any perspective.

    3. Agreed. Wow it didn't occur to me that way. But your right a narrative essay is like a tell all about the author's journey.

  14. A narrative essay is when the author of the essay writes about some sort of event or experience. The author tells the story from some sort of point of view. When I write narrative essays, I usually pick an event that I have personally experienced and tell it from first person point of view. I find writing the ssay easier that way because I know how I felt during the event. If I were to write a narrative essay I would write it on the almost last day of a job because when I had to relocate to the states, a couple of days before I left, my co-workers andbosses threw me a going away party.

    1. I could relate to you alot. I as well usually write my narrative essays in first person point of view. It is much easier for me to do also. Your topic sounds so interesting right off the bat! I would definitely read that narrative essay if you chose that topic!

    2. Exactly. Narrative essay are delivered in a way the reader feels as if the writer is talking to them directly.

  15. A narrative essay is an essay used to explain a certain event in the form of a story. In opposition to a descriptive essay, Narrative essays are open to be more artistic and have a more personal feel to them since you're describing an actual event that took place in your life time. If I were to chose a topic to write about for my narrative essay it would be: a memorable journey. Out of all the other topics, nothing screams "narrative," more than a story about a journey in my opinion. In conclusion, a narrative essay is an essay open to creativity through story-telling.

  16. Narrative essay is pretty much an essay mainly focus is to narrate a story. It doesn't matter what your topic is as long as your delivering it to your readers as if your telling a story. Well that's pretty much what it is telling a story. Most narrative essays are found in plays. The main purpose of the essay is yourself as the narrator telling a story to your audience or readers. It can be about your high school days, vacation or whatever you choose to write about and narrate it to your readers.

  17. A narrative essay is creating a story which allows readers form a connection and understanding. It opens up emotion and experience which create an illusion for readers to imagine. Imagination make a story better by creating a background of characters and experience which could be felt at that moment. I would choose to write a memorable journey because I have experience a new culture and place for two years. It has opened my view towards the world and life.
