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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reflection - Descriptive Essay - Feb. 10 - Sec. 5

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what a descriptive essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which descriptive topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #1. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. Descriptive essay, in my own words is the description of something toward your topic is about. Meaning, you describe something telling about it with the 5 W's and 1 H (what, where, when, why, who and how). It basically a description of something.

    1. I agree because that is basically what a descriptive essay should be. You are supposed to discuss your topic using the 5 w's and 1 h in order to describe what you are talking about to the reader more vividly.

    2. Agreed. In order to understand what is happening in the descriptive essay, it is important to include the 5 w's and 1'h.

    3. I actually forgot about the 5 W's and 1 H. Those are some important questions to include in ones essay.

    4. I agree! Its great to include your 5 senses into a descriptive essay. It allows the reader to relate more to the topic!

    5. I also agree. All in all, the title of, "descriptive," describes itself.

    6. I agree with Mia. I totally forgot about the 5 W's and 1 H. Those questions really help you focus on your writing and check it for any missing information.

    7. Using the 5 W's and 1 H is an effective way to write the body structure of your essay.

  2. Descriptive essay is when we choose a topic and talk about it using the five senses of our body.. it is what we write that can attract the readers to read and at the same time they can visualise it using their own understanding of what we write. For example if I am going to describe a topic I need to write more about it to make a reader feels like he/she can see, smell,touch, or taste... If I were to choose a topic and talk about it I would choose a home sweet home because there are lot of good details that I can share.

    1. A very interesting point of a descriptive essay. It is good to not only attract your readers, but also for them to imagine the description based on the 5 senses. This is something that I have to keep in mind as I write.

    2. I agree. Using the five senses to describe your topic is something I hadn't thought about using. Through this the user can very vividly understand what you're talking about. In a way, it is as though you and the reader share the same experience.

    3. Agreed. You gave a good understanding of a descriptive essay. The more detailed our essay is the more we grab our reader's attention. It is the five senses that helps your descriptive essay to be as detailed as it can get.

    4. It is important to catch your reader's attention because if it doesn't, whose attention will it catch?

    5. I agree. You do want to make your reader visualize what you went through.

    6. I agree also with visualization. That, in my opinion, is the most important factor in writing a descriptive essay.

    7. Agreed. knowing that your readers can visualize what your writing about lets you know your writing is good.

  3. A descriptive essay is describing anything from one's favorite object to a memorable moment with family and friends. This type of essay gives students the freedom to write descriptively about their topic. There are no limitations to a descriptive essay. However, it is not similar to free writing. In every essay, your ideas must be clear and organize to your readers. It should be vivid and detail in order to get your reader's attention. In the end, the essay should control and support your ideas concisely. As for my essay topic, I decided to write about my trip to San Francisco with the family. It is one of my most memorable experiences.

    1. I agree. You need the five senses to be able to do your descriptive essay properly. It is not similar to free writing. In a descriptive essay you are able to describe your topic to give a vivid picture of what the author is talking about. If not, your essay wont be organized and you will lose the reader's attention. The reader wont be able to see, feel, taste, touch, or smell what the author is describing.

    2. I agree with you man. I really liked how you touched on the fact that even though a descriptive essay is very free in it's style, it isn't freewriting. Unlike a free writing essay, your topics should be clear and structured so that the reader won't get confused when reading your essay.

    3. I agree that there are no limits towards a descriptive essay! Your essay should always be detailed in order to give your readers a visual image of your topic.

    4. I didn't think about it that way, but you're right. There are no limtations in a descriptive essay. You get free reign over what you want your reader to see in their minds.

    5. I like how you said that we should describe our topic in a way that it becomes a vivid picture. I will definitely be remembering that while writing my descriptive essay.

  4. A descriptive essay basically describes something your writing about. An effective way to do this would be to use your senses. It could be organized to outline the body of an essay. If I chose a topic it would be wrestling, a high school sport. I would write about this topic because wrestling was one of the most fulfilling aspects of my life. I would write how it made me feel, what I saw, heard, tasted and smelled on the mat during competition.

    1. I agree. It is very effective when using your five senses. I am intrigue with your topic because of my interest in most fighting styles. Wrestling is a nice fighting sport.

    2. I agree. Without the five senses it would not be organized. It would not give the reader a clear picture of what the author it writing.

    3. Your topic about wrestling is a very good topic to use for a descriptive essay because you can write so much about how it fulfilled your aspects in life.

  5. A descriptive essay gives the writer an opportunity to be creative on the topic they choose. They can choose some of their five senses. This allows the writer to explore their creativity and go above and beyond with how they feel towards this topic. If I were choosing a topic it would be watching a sunset. There are so many ways to use your senses and how one would feel during the presence of watching the sun escape into the sea.

    1. I agree that it is creative for the writer to describe their experiences. It is like an artwork especially when it comes visualizing the events, objects, etc. I think your topic is very unique. It seems like a very peaceful time.

    2. Very true! It does allow the writer to tap into their creative side to describe the topic. I love the topic you would choose as well. I love watching the sunset on my roof. It's awesome!

    3. Wow. very true. I forgot that descriptive essays lets you explore your creativity with your subjects.I agree that there are many ways to use your senses and put them in your writing.

  6. A descriptive essay is basically a brief description of a certain topic chosen by a writer. It involves using your senses creating a vivid image to the mind of the reader. If I were to choose a topic, it would be about food. I find it very easy to describe it because you can describe the food's texture, smell, taste, and appearance. You get to share your experience with the reader about the food you have consumed.

    1. I agree in that a descriptive essay should be able to let the reader create an image as to what you're talking about. I also like that you have chosen food because it applies to many of our senses and it would be easy to describe to the reader.

    2. That's a good one. With food as your topic, you can describe it using all five senses.

    3. I love how you described what a descriptive essay is to you. It's a really nice definition of what a descriptive essay should be. I also love the topic you chose. Who doesn't love food? Its so common that everyone has an experience with it, and it makes it more common to readers.

    4. I agree, food would be a rather good topic to write about because describing it using the 5 senses wouldn't be to hard.

  7. A descriptive essay is a writing that uses the five senses: see, smell, touch, hear and taste to provide the reader with a clear picture or feeling about the subject. The essay gives details that will help the reader to imagine what is being described. The topic I choose to do for my descriptive essay is swimming. I would be able to apply all the five senses to this topic.

    1. That's good! You're choosing your topic based on what senses you can use.

    2. I think your topic choice is great to use because you would be able to communicate all your senses like you've said. Good choice on a topic!

    3. Swimming is a very good topic to describe in a descriptive essay. You could use all of your senses to use while swimming. Readers could understand the topic without even being close to water!

    4. I also agree with the topic choice. Not only is it relatable to people, but it identifies the main senses.

  8. A descriptive essay is an essay in which the writer decides to discuss or describe a certain subject such as an event or an object. When describing that subject, it is the writer's duty to discuss it in detail, to ensure that the reader is able to understand what the author is talking about. If I were to choose a topic I would choose to write about my house/ school because I think it would be easy to talk about the two places you go to daily and the experiences you have there.

    1. I agree. It is the writers duty to describe the topic for the reader to understand. One thing that I tend to forget is detail descriptions for my essay. Hopefully, I would not forget.

  9. I agree. The author needs to be able to write his/her essay in detail so that the reader is able to see a clear picture of the subject.

  10. I think a descriptive essay would generally be trying to to have your reader feel as if you did in that instant. Using descriptive language, you would take the reader back to your experience and let them know what you were feeling or what you saw. You would use every sense to help them create that mental picture. What did it smell, taste, sound, look, and/or feel like? What emotions were you going through? Those are the questions that you should be able to answer in a descriptive essay. I would most likely write my essay on a beautiful sunset or maybe even falling in love.

    1. I couldn't agree more with having your reader feel like you did in that instant. And have them feel the emotion you feel towards the topic as well. Thank you for the reminder of creating a mental picture to the reader.

    2. I also agree with taking your reader back to the instant, or event. It shows that descriptive essays are known to draw an image of an even.

    3. Agreed. Asking oneself questions if the readers are able to experience the same effects the writer is crucial in a descriptive essay. It lets you know your readers are able to understand what you are trying to describe.

    4. I agree that using all the senses to describe whatever your describing is a very good way to make the reader feel what you're feeling.

  11. I believe a Descriptive Essay is an essay to describe something in particular. It focuses on a topic that the writer is trying to give a deeper description of. A descriptive essay is a great way to describe a lot of things. For example: A favorite teacher, a memorable experience, a nice time, etc. The topic I would choose for my descriptive essay would be: Learning a musical instrument, because I have a big passion for musical arts.

    1. I think your descriptive essay is going to be really interesting for me because I have tired to learn so many musical instruments but I guess I am just not musically talented..Reading your essay might help!

  12. In my opinion, a Descriptive essay is an essay that plays around creative uses of human senses to describe what the writer is talking about. It is also an essay that is very open to vernacular diversity when explaining what topics are being described, because it is open for very creative narratives. In essence the descriptive essay's main goal is to draw a picture of the writers topic in the readers mind using vivid details as a stencil. A descriptive essay, to me, is pretty self explanatory. You are describing an object as the title, "descriptive essay,"would imply

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Descriptive essay is simply an essay that requires you to describe your choice of a topic to your audience. It can be an object, person, place and etc. If I were to choose a topic, it would be either an accident or sports at school. Once you've picked a topic, you will support it with facts mostly based on your five senses. Sometimes it may seem overwhelming and you run out of words but that's where brainstorming/free writing comes in. Picking the right topic for you is important as much as being able to describe it. You want to choose a topic you can relate to and describe well. Keep in mind that you want to be clear as much as you can your readers. If your not sure with your writing, imagine yourself as one of the readers reading your essay for the first time and ask yourself questions like: Can you see what the writer's describing? Are you able to sense what he/she is describing? and so on.

    1. I totally agree, you want to pick a topic that you can relate to so you will be able to describe it well and not get stuck in the process of your essay.

  15. A descriptive essay is a type of essay that captures your readers mind about what you're explaining to them, making them feel apart of your memory. My topic of choice would probably be about falling in love. It would be amazing if I could let my reader feel exactly the type of love i feel for my kids from the moment they were born till now.

    1. I like how you said "making them feel apart of your memory" because if you describe whatever you're describing well this should happen.

  16. A descriptive essay is a type of essay where you describe something. It could be a person, place, object, time in your life, anything as long as you're describing it. You basically want the reader to feel the same way you feel about what you're describing. For my descriptive essay I am going to write about where I was born and raised, Saipan. I want to write about Saipan because I love it and being away from it is really sad. Also, because while i've been here a lot of people ask me questions about it, writing an essay will help me answer a lot of their questions because it'll give me a chance to think more about it.

  17. Descrpitive Essay is type of Essay that needs specific details and complete sentence. It need a lot of practice for this essay.

    1. Choosing a topic and using the senses and the 5 W's would make it easy for you to organize this type of essay.
