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Argumentative Essay Guidelines: Source 1 ~ Source 2 ~ Source 3

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Reflection – Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay – Sec. 5 - Feb. 24

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an argumentative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which argumentative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #4. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. An argumentative essay is an essay that takes a topic and argues both sides of the topic. Looking at the topics listed, I would most likely write about how grades K-12 should adopt a school uniform policy.
    Today's activities were very enlightening. I never knew that there were two types of paragraph patterns. Now, when I read different paragraphs, I can tell if they are pattern A or pattern B.

    1. This was my first time learning about two types of paragraph patterns. I learned how to find the topic sentence in a paragraph and its supporting sentences.

    2. I didn't know there were two types either.

    3. Yeah today's class was very breezy. Learning about the two types of paragraph pattern was very new to me too.

    4. I like the topic that you would choose. It is a very controversial topic. Some parents would want their child following the school uniform policy, where as some parents would want their child to stand out in the crowd with the clothes that they bought them. Learning both patterns definitely helped me see the difference of the two.

    5. I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter because I've haven't heard of much concern about a K-12 uniform policy.

    6. I agree, i never knew their was two types on paragraph patterns.

    7. I never knew how to distinguish the different kinds of paragraph patterns until today. Interesting topic to write about for the argumentative essay.

  2. Argumentative essays are the type of essays where the writer argues both sides of the topic of their choice. It is wise to pick a topic that you already know at least a little about so you won't have a hard time writing the essay. My topic for my argumentative essay is probably going to be about having senior citizens be required to have their eyes checked every year. I think I might want to write about that because my eyes are really bad and I can relate.

    1. I agree! Picking a topic you already have some knowledge about will help you choose easily. I really like the topic you've chosen. That would be a very interesting essay!

    2. I second that! It's definitely easier to know at least a little on a topic before writing about it.

    3. Picking a topic that you already know about is like a strategic play in my opinion. It gives you an edge in what you're writing.

  3. An argumentative essay includes all the basics an outline, thesis statement, introduction, body with support and conclusion. An argumentative essay allows you to argue and prove a point. The introduction of an argumentative essay serves one major role which is to grab the reader's attention and let them know what your paper is about.

    1. I agree with you. An argumentative essay is about proving your point. In order to obtain the audience support, the write must submit evidence and research to persuade them to agree.

    2. I agree with you. The writer, in an argumentative essay, argues to prove their point. The reader should be grabbed, not literally, through the writings of the writers essay.

    3. I agree that you want to prove your point.

    4. When you write an argumentative essay it's good to prove the point you want to get across, but I also think it's important to consider the opposing points given from the other side of the argument in the essay.

    5. Good job i agree with you, you put a more straight to the point detail on the topic.

    6. Well said. The introduction of any essay is crucial to grab the attention of the reader. This type of essay also needs research and facts to support the thesis.

  4. I think an Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay is an essay that looks at both sides of a specific topic, and tries to persuade the reader into choosing one of those sides. The topic I would choose would be the topic about how we should use death row inmates as subjects for medical testing of drugs. That topic is such a controversial topic that it would have everyones attention! Today we learned about the topic sentence, and the support that follows. It definitely helped me learn about the writing process even more!

    1. I agree with you. An argumentative essay is choosing a topic to defend and use substantial evidence to support your defense.

    2. I really like the topic you would use. It provides room for insight and facts.

    3. I am very interested in the topic you have chosen seeing as it's an argument, much like stem cell research, between human productivity and human morality.

    4. Yup! Wise choice on the topic you would write about, because i picked the same topic as well, i agree though on what your saying. Both sides of a specific topic

  5. An argumentative essay is an essay where we collect information or ideas about a topic and use those evidences to support it. The topics I would choose for this essay is drivers in MN[or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving(talking and/or texting). This has caused so many deaths and I would want to support this topic for the better of our society.

    1. I agree with you and I really like your topic. The use of cell phones while driving is something that should be outlawed.

    2. I agree with what your topic is. Every time my friends use their phones when driving I tell them not to.

    3. I agree. The topic that you've chosen is really interesting. I would like to read what you have to say about permitting the use of cellphones while driving.

    4. I agree. As a matter of fact, in states side, texting and driving is against the law. One state I know for a fact that still allows is Arizona.

  6. An argumentative essay generally focuses on already published material and is the writers responsibility to argue on the topic they have chosen. It's important for the writer to pick a topic they are fully interested in and could include good supports in their essay. In my opinion, I think that Pattern B which includes the concluding sentence is a better option while writing your essay because it gives your essay an ending. If I were to choose a topic, I would choose the one about divorce and how they should go through counceling before the divorce process. I would most likely argue against it.
    Overall, today's activities were very beneficial. I thought the essay we reaed in class about the nightclubbers was pretty funny.

    1. Everyone will have their own thoughts about your topic. That is why I think this is a very interesting topic. I would like to hear your argument against it one day. Maybe it can change other people's perspectives about this topic.

    2. Married couples should go through counseling if necessary. Some married couples do make final decisions on whether they feel they still have a chance or not. Although, some married couples need counseling if they are not ready for a divorce. Counseling could be added to a healing process. If the marriage is not working out you'll at least know that you've tried and that you did all you were able to do to keep the marriage going.

    3. I agree with your view on divorce counseling. You too Patty. Divorce counseling should be administered only if necessary.

  7. An argumentative essay is pretty much self-explanatory. A writer picks a topic, research and gather evidence and establish her opinion. Sometimes argumentative and expository essays can be confusing. I, for one, tend to get confuse with these two forms of essay. However, expository essays require less research than an argumentative essay. If I had to pick a topic for my argumentative essay it would be about animal experimentation. This topic is very controversial especially in psychology field.

    1. Animal experimentation is so sad. I would like to read your argumentative essay. Why can the lab tech use human clones for experiments? They should use reptiles for testing not mammals.

    2. It is sad! But I think experimenting on human clones can be viewed as inhumane and violating one's rights! This topic is still very controversial and both pros and cons have very strong supporting views. I let you read what I'll find when we do argumentative essay.

  8. An argumentative essay is an essay in which the author does extensive research on a specific subject. Through this, the writer learns detailed information about the subject in order to concisely describe it in the essay. Although an argumentative essay and an expository essay are similar in some ways they are actually different in that an argumentative essay requires much more investigation and is much longer in its length. Argumentative essays are usually used as final projects for a class. For this essay I would choose the topic that says we should outlaw genetically modified foods until they are studied thoroughly to see if they harmful to both us and our environment. I would choose this topic because it seems really interesting to me. Through this topic, I can learn what exactly is in the foods that we consume and how harmful they can potentially be. I think that today's activities were very insightful in helping me understand how to construct a well organized essay. We learned about the different types of paragraphs and how they're structured and how to differentiate the kinds of sentences present in a paragraph.

    1. I agree with you. An argument essay require a great deal of extensive research, which should be sound and reliable.

    2. I enjoy reading your responses Christian. They are always so well written, and very interesting! I also really enjoy the topic you would choose. It would have the audience's attention right away because not everyone know what they consume.

  9. According to my notes, the argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic. Basically on my opinion,meaning that once topic will have both arguments on both side.
    Browsing through the topic, I would most likely to pic the, "Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving
    (talking and/or texting). I strongly disagree with this statement because allowing people to text while driving causes accidents. I would recommend if you will text while drive, pull over to the side of the road and then text or call.

    1. Haha! But Geena, you always text me while I'm driving. You and Yolanda K. have the same topic.

  10. An argumentative essay is a category of writing that requires a person to explore deep into a certain topic. In this essay, you have to collect, generate, and gather evidence to establish a position on your topic in a concise matter. Argumentative essays have more research than expository essays. You can inquire your research by interviews, surveys, observations, and experiments. The argumentative topic I would select is why cloning should be banned. I have seen some pictures of experimental cloning and I thought it was very inappropriate in many ways.

    1. I agree with you. Argumentative essays should generate substantial evidence, in order to establish a strong position on the subject matter.

    2. I agree. The writer should definitely explore the topic they've chosen and the questions that follow. I like the topic you chose. I guess I over looked that topic because I never really thought about it.

    3. I agree. It requires amount of research in order to have enough evidence to support your topic and to persuade the audience. Good choice of topic. I am with you on that.

    4. Wow! I didn't know cloning experimentation is still being done. That's an interesting topic.

    5. I like how you gave us examples of where to research! That will definitely help me when I do an argumentative essay. I also agree on your topic that you chose. I do not support cloning as well. It just seems unethical.

    6. I agree. There's going to be a lot of extensive research that will go into this essay.

  11. Argumentative essay in my own words I would say is that when you write an argumentative essay you collect all the data you need about the topic your going to argue against or for. You have to make sure you have good supporting evidence. By reading about what an argumentative essay is I found out that a strong structure of an argumentative essay will have a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement. An argumentative topic that i would select would be that death row inmates would be used for medical testing rather than animals because animals can't talk and as far as i know they didn't do nothing wrong so why should they suffer, and today's overall activity was good it woke up my brain, what i like the most about this class is the brain stretchers because it really works for me.

    1. true. "argue against or for" is the purpose of an argumentative essay.

    2. Awesome choice of topic! I will be arguing against animal cruelty for this topic and from what I just read you will be too. I also enjoy the essay brain stretchers as well. They are the ones that wake my brain up for the rest of the day.

  12. According to my notes, the argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic. Basically on my opinion,meaning that once topic will have both arguments on both side.
    Browsing through the topic, I would most likely to pic the, "Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving
    (talking and/or texting). I strongly disagree with this statement because allowing people to text while driving causes accidents. I would recommend if you will text while drive, pull over to the side of the road and then text or call.

    1. I agree. Because it is an argument there will be two sides to that subject and I side with you on your point about the topic you've chosen.

    2. Great point! We have the same topic, I think it is very important to inform our society about the use of cell phones while driving. Safety is very important. As for the argumentative essay I definitely agree with you. You gather information to argue on both sides and using evidences to support your idea.

    3. Yes you must investigate any topic never give false information. Texting while driving is lethal to everyone.

  13. An argumentative essay is an essay that requires extensive research and supporting evidence about your chosen topic and also argues the pros and cons on the subject as well. My topic of choice would be "We should use death row inmates as subjects for medical testing rather than animals." I do not know much on the subject but because I am an animal lover I find this an interesting topic to argue upon. Today's activities were very refreshing, it has been a long time since learning about it in high school and will help differentiate between paragraphs.

    1. Yes, I agree. Argumentative essay is when both sides argue to try to persuade its audience and using research or evidence to support their topic. The topic you have chosen is very interesting. I am an animal lover as well. Animals are friendly and have not done harm. I would definitely support your topic.

  14. Today we learned about the four different kinds of paragraphs, the introductory, Developmental, Transitional and concluding. Then we touched up on the two paragraph patterns.
    An argumentative essay is an essay you have to persuade the reader to agree with your thesis based accurate research supporting your thesis. Im not to sure what my topic would be just yet but I would start researching on some data to see which one has a lot of accurate information.

    1. I think your hold on your choice of topic is wise. You cannot have a strong argument if you have little to no knowledge on what you are supposed to be arguing against or about.

    2. I think your strategy is great. It's good to do research before choosing your topic and to see if there's sufficient information to cite and write about.

    3. I agree that your research must be accurate. Accuracy is key to having a strong research. A strong, accurate research would make your essay appealing to your readers.

  15. An argumentative essay must require students to investigate their topic and have evidence to back up their statement. This type of essay is similar to an expository essay. However, argumentative essays require extensive research from a published or official materials In any argument, there should always be a strong statement and evidence in their topic. For my topic, I would write about drivers should not be permitted to use cellphones.

    1. I really like your topic. You can strongly argue the causes of using cellphones while driving. This action has been led to many deaths and accidents.

    2. Great choice of topic. I think everyone can agree of the reasons why drivers are not permitted any use of cellular activities while driving. As Raegene Estrellado had stated, this action has led to many accidents and even deaths.

    3. Agreed. An argumentative essay should be well investigated. I also agree with you about having strong statements and evidence. It makes your essay's content much more stronger!

    4. I like that topic because a lot of people here on guam have that issue lol, because i couldn't agree more on your point of view.

  16. In my own knowledge and understanding about the argumentative essay is that we write it like we compare or contrast ideas. or we write the points that supports the topic and we argue the reason why it should be like that.Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving
    (talking and/or texting) is what i choose as my topic. i chose this because i believe that some car accident happens because drivers get distracted by the use of celphone while driving a car.

    1. I agree. Very simple understanding of an argumentative essay. Basically, we research on our topic to find support to argue to defend our topic. As for the topic, we have the same. Can't wait to possibly share ideas.

    2. I agree with your definition of an argumentative essay. It is like an compare and contrast but you defend your idea. I like your topic. It is something that people need to realize when they drive.

  17. An argumentative essay is a genre of essays which need students to examine a topic and find or produce evidences. From listing of topics, I want to write essay about permitted to use cell phones during driving. I am a driver, and I know how dangerous to use cell phones while driving.
    Even if I was not correct in exercise 1, I could learn about pattern A and B more certain. I know the differences between pattern A and B now. Today's activities were beneficial to me.

    1. yes i really agree with you. It is important that we spend more time doing research so that when we write essay we can use evidence to prove our reasons

    2. I agree. As the writer for the essay it's their job to find the information for the topic they have chosen.

    3. I agree that writers need to research and give evidence. In any argument or debate, evidence is essential and key to having a strong statement.

  18. An argumentative essay is a type of writing wherein a topic was investigated and researched extensively. The writer should choose a side and persuade the audience to believe his research and side of the story. Argumentative essays is a debate where the writer does extensive research to persuade his case against the opposing parties arguments. An argumentative essay topic I would choose would be "Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. Too many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype."

    1. I strongly agree on your topic. People assume that mothers have more right to their children then fathers do but that is incorrect. There are some fathers that have been there for their child rather then the mothers. Fathers should be allowed the same equal amount of guardianship for their children, not only that but fathers can be just as nurturing as mothers could be. It all actually depends on how the parent is to their child if it does come down to making a decision through court.

    2. Exactly, i really do agree with you about the meaning of argumentative essay. it really does make students to search more about the topic and also find evidence. In this way students will learn more and gain more understanding.

    3. I agree. Your essay is like a debate where you side with what you have chosen to defend. I like the topic you chose. It sounds very interesting to read.

    4. Interesting topic of choice. In my opinion, i believe the court rules in favour of the mother majority of the time primarily because of the whole birthing process which gives women a greater advantage. And in those cases, men were just screwed from the beginning because it is not a natural process for them. And I agree that there are fathers that are more nurturing and just down right better with their kids than the mothers.

  19. An argumentative essay is an essay that argues a topic that is researched by the speaker, in both stand-points of the conversation. When looking at an argumentative essay, we can observe that the knowledge researched has to back the writers thesis statement and usually has to get straight to the point with the factual data gathered. If i was to chose a topic to write an argumentative essay on, I would chose the debate on stem cells. As a person with a very humanistic view on society , it interest me to see a debate that talks about the personal growth of the human race versus the moralistic value of tampering with an embryo to extract stem cells.

    1. So true. in order to have a great argumentative essay then it requires a research so that we can find evidence to support our topic.

    2. I like how you said that we can observe the research that backs up our thesis statement. This is very essential to an argumentative essay. I also like your topic of choice. It seems interesting to read.

  20. Argumentative essay is an opinion of the writer. It is a writer who think outside the box. A topic that can be argued. An essay were one or the other may disagree. Which the writer can justify with logic but at the same time not having to prove a point. Argumentative essay is organized as follows. 1. The writers statement. 2. Review literature and 3. Provide examples on what methods were used that were valid. The topic I would chose an an argumentative essay would be on Public Assistance, Community Service, Children with Special Needs or Senior Citizens.

    1. yes i agree with you patty. good idea about the topic you chose to write. i wish you could share it with me sometimes when your done writing it

    2. I agree that you have to think outside of the box too!

    3. Yes. Argumentative essay is more of an opinion because your reader might or might not agree.

    4. Agreed. But hopefully the information researched and the facts stated will be accurate enough to persuade the reader to agree with you.
