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Argumentative Essay Guidelines: Source 1 ~ Source 2 ~ Source 3

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Reflection - Writing and Reading Something Worthy - May 14 - Sec. 5

Writing and reading something worthy is important.  Interpret the poem above.

Image Source: Google


  1. I think the poem is saying that as people, we should do hinges every day that mean something. A lot of quotes have something to do with how people are alive, but not always living. I do believe that this happens to some people. I try to always put purpose into everything that I do. I want to be able to look back and not regret anything that I have done.

    1. Nicely said Kriana. I want to be able to look back on what I've done that resulted to a good cause towards people.

    2. I agree with you, i would not want to do something either that i would regret, because that would just make this poem mean nothing.

    3. I agree with you, I want to look back at what I did and know that good resulted from my actions.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I think your second sentence is the perfect interpretation of what the poem really means. There is simply no better explanation. Good job.

    6. You're right about not many quotes give off this type of meaning .

    7. I agree. I want to put meaning and emphasis in my life and be able to look back with no regrets.

    8. Life is full, life is grand. We are all doing something positive everyday.

  2. I think the meaning of this poem is to motivate people. After reading this I felt the need to go and do some of the things the poem is telling us to do. The most used word is worth, and I think the poem is just telling us to do something that has purpose and meaning everyday. Life is short so we shouldn't go a day where we don't accomplish or do something worth meaning.

    1. This poem is motivating and inspiring to me. I'm so glad I read this great poem. I agree Celine.We shouldn't waste days without doing something worth meaning.

    2. I also felt motivated after. Life is short and we need to live it.

    3. I agree! I too was motivated after reading this poem.

    4. I agree. Each person must have a purpose and meaning in each day of their lives.

    5. Me 6. I, too, felt motivated.

    6. Before I read your post I stated the same phrase. Life is too short. I felt very motivated after reading this poem as well.

  3. I think this poem means that we should do something today that will be worth experiencing, sharing, and treasuring. Everything that we do should come with a good purpose and should be worth remembering from this point on. Don't do things just for yourself, but for other people as well.

    1. I agree, it should not only affect just you positively but also others around us.

    2. I agree. The things we do should be worth remembering.

    3. I agree. Every action that we partake in should be something that we can look back on fondly.

    4. I think your statement is the best interpretation of this poem. I like how you detailed your explanation and I couldn't agree more with you.

    5. I agree things that we do everyday should be worth remembering.

    6. I agree with how we shouldn't only focus on ourselves but also for those we've chosen to surround ourselves with.

    7. I agree. We shouldn't be afraid to try something new and live life differently!

  4. This poem indicates the daily activities that are worth doing. It emphasizes the word "worth" to clarify that life should have meaning. Our activities should be a memorable experience. For example, the military would not fight for the sake of fighting. In this scenario, there has to be something worth fighting and dying for. In academic writing, students would prefer to read and write an essay that is worth their time. No student would write an uninteresting essay. If they do, the essay would be unbearable to the writer and his/ her audience. This poem is an inspiration to make life acknowledgeable to yourself and others.

    1. I agree! This poem is an inspiration to make life knowledgeable to all of us!

    2. Yes everything we do should be memorable.

    3. You explained this poem much more precise and understanding than i did, also made it more interesting.

    4. I agree. We have to have a purpose in the things that we do.

    5. I agree, everything we do should have a reason.

    6. I agree. Our lives are driven from an inspiration, which motivates us to be the best person.

    7. Joe, if they had a like button on this blog I would click it already. By the way, your presentation was entertaining. This buds for you too! cheers!

  5. In my opinion this poem is saying do something that has a purpose or meaning. FOr example why are you gonna share a video or text that does not make you think or feel something. Why are you going to buy something that you are just going to throw away. This person is explaining that everything we do must give some kind of positive effect on ourselves or the people around us.

    1. Okay i agree on you on a purpose with every decision, you kind of lost me with the whole video and text thing.

    2. I agree. The whole reason for the things that we do is to get a response from other people.

    3. I agree. It seems like the writer is searching for something more. It seems like the writer is searching for a life with purpose and meaning.

  6. To me this poem means that we should use our time much more wisely. The decisions we make in life should have a purpose. Meaning what ever we do we should obtain some thing worth it back if we were to make an act in the beginning of the decision. In life time is precious so we should spend it wise. Making a decision and not regretting what you did its mainly what this poem is trying to say. I really enjoyed reading this poem because it had a strong meaning all the way down.

    1. I agree. We should spend our time in precious things in life.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree. Our time is precious and we should spend it wisely. We should try to make the best of it.

    4. I agree time is something we shouldn't be wasting.

    5. I think myself as an individual should use my time more wisely. This poem definitely had a strong meaning.

    6. We should definitely use our time on this planet much more wisely. Live life to the fullest and like there's no tomorrow.

  7. The poem shows what people are lost everyday I think. If I do not do the worthy actions that poem shows, I would regret in the future. To me, this poem is more like advices, not wishes. To live the life more worthy, this poem shows the ways. People can take care of other people when they really love themselves. The worthy actions that poem shows include some actions that help us to love ourselves such as "go somewhere worth seeing." Like this case, I think this poem advises people who are confused what they have to do.

    1. Nicely said! I believe that when people love themselves they are more than able and willing to love another.

  8. I think the point that this essay is trying to get across is that we should spend our time wisely. With every action that we perform there is a reaction and with that we want to know that those reactions are worth remembering. We want to know that we had a purposeful life and one that was worth living. I think that we should make a life that we think is worth writing about.

    1. I agree. We must find a reason to live our lives with purpose.

    2. Yes, life is too short and spending our time wisely is a wise choice. I like your last statement. We should make a life worth writing about.

    3. I agree. we should live life how we want to be remembered.

    4. Your last statement was definitely on point.

  9. The poem describes how people should live everyday. Everyone should do their best in every aspect of their lives, because our time on Earth is limited and should be lived without regrets. The poem is our agreements in life. We should follow the advise from the poem, in order to live the best possible life. By following these advises, we become the best person the world would like us to be. By living every moment in the best way possible, we accomplish self-gratification and spread happiness toward others.

    1. I agree that if we follow the advice of the author we will definitely live the best life possible.

    2. Well said! "The poem is our agreements in life." I like your interpretation.

  10. The poem to me states that whatever the writer is asking the worth is a word that sort of reflects what is being asked. For example, reading and writing, give and get, say and repeat, hug and hold etc. Im not sure if reflect is the correct word I'm looking for but I hope you understand what Im trying to say. But, for the most part, the writer seems to be searching for something more.

  11. My interpretation of the poem above is that we should focus on doing things that have importance and give meaning to our lives as well as focusing on being something better than we are today. I believe that understanding something or someone's worth and importance helps understand yours.

  12. I'd say this poem inspires those who read it to start living their lives to the fullest. It's to encourage and motivate those who are afraid or not willing to take a couple risks. Also, this poem describes how precious our life is and that it's important to make every day count. This poem was an eye opener for me. I want to be able to experience new things and make a difference. I found this poem very refreshing.

    1. I agree. Life is precious and every person must make every minute count. No one would want to live a life of regrets. Instead, life should be inspirational to everyone.

    2. I love life and life is great.

    3. I too found this poem very refreshing! We are alive but not really living life. I'm going to start cherishing every moment I have!

  13. Reading this poem I felt that from today on, we should start doing something that is worth living for. Life is too short to take advantage of and we should live it with a purpose. Life is worth living. There is a reason why everyone is here. There is a reason why you are here and not someone else instead of you. Make the most of this life - the things that can make you smile. Do something in life that is worth it; something that has a purpose or meaning.

    1. Life is beautiful and it always makes me smile. People do not need to say much but with a smile it brightens everyone's day. :))))))))

  14. This poem is about life we live on an everyday basis, real or dreamy. For every "something worth" was an experience I have had or a dream I longed for. It is inspirational yet something that can be admiral. Real as it may seem but dreamy and as dreamy can be, a loud silence of reality when awaken. Everything in life is worth living for but are we worthy of time given? People move slowly in space but on earth we go as living in the fast lane and at the edge of life. This poem moves, motivates, inspire and opens doors to a new beginning of a pasts end.

  15. My thoughts on this poem is that whenever you do something you have to do it with your best. For instance, do it with love. If you try your best to make it to the fullest with love then i am pretty sure that at the very end the outcome is worth it.

    1. I see what you're saying. My interpretation of this was live life and make it count. Thanks for another perspective

  16. I believe this poem is about making a difference in your life. Like how they say we are alive but we're not living. We can make a difference in our everyday lives in a snap of a finger but we choose not to. We should try something new and and embrace change.
